Option 2: Install Jenkins with Docker Step 1: Install Docker To start the Jenkins server again, use the command: brew services start jenkins-lts To stop the Jenkins server, open any terminal window and enter the command: brew services stop jenkins-lts Now, let’s use the cat command directly in the terminal, for example (replace with your own file path): cat /Users/valentin/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPasswordĬheck the last section of this article on how to complete the setup process. To get the password needed to run the installation process, just check the content of the file mentioned on the screen. You can check if it is properly working by visiting Step 4: Get the installation password This will start the Jenkins server in a few seconds. You can do that with this command: brew services start jenkins-lts The next step is to actually start the Jenkins server. Once Homebrew is installed, you can run the following command which will download and install the current Long-term support (LTS) version of Jenkins.
You should get back the Homebrew version if already installed. You can check if Homebrew is already installed by opening a terminal window and typing: brew -version If you don’t already have the Homebrew package manager installed, you will first need to follow the installation steps from. Option 1: Install Jenkins with Homebrew Step 1: Install Homebrew